The Haitian government provides very little funds to support public education. As a result, the private sector has become a substitute for governmental public investment in education. Over 85% of schools in Haiti are private and very few families can afford even the most modest tuition. A formal education in Haiti begins with two years of preschool, followed by one year of pre-K and then nine years of fundamental education. Impoverished families only send their children to school during months or years when they can afford it. As such, children lose years of schooling and are often too old for their grade level when they come back.
The Village School of the Future (Ecole Le Village De L’Avenir), opened in 2005 by Sainfait Exius and his wife Rosemarie, offers pre-K through 9th grade and employs 7 instructors who teach subjects including social studies, biology and math. PEARLS in Haiti is collaborating with Director Exius to provide PEARLS of Wisdom Grants to students from in Bonnette. Through educational grants students can remain in school for the duration of their education and learn in an age appropriate grade.